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Networking technology

All our products support AES47, the open standard for transmission of digital audio over networks that provide an Asynchronous Transfer Mode or ATM service. ATM is the technology underlying most public telecommunications networks, including much of the Internet.

They also support AES51, the open standard for carrying AES47 (and any other ATM traffic) over Ethernet links. This allows Ethernet interfaces to automatically configure themselves to carry both AES47 and Internet Protocol (IP) services in the most appropriate way. New developments in IEEE802, such as Residential Ethernet, are expected to improve the service available to AES47 traffic over standard Ethernet networks in the near future. In the longer term, all-optical networks can also be expected to provide Ethernet connectivity with guaranteed Quality of Service.

Our new Flexilink technology is similar to AES51 but not restricted to a fixed cell size. More details are available here.

The AES47 and AES51 standards, and a companion document intended to provide background information on AES47, are available from the Audio Engineering Society here: type "aes47" or "aes51" into the search box and then click on the "courtesy copy" link for each document. You will need to go through some of the same process as for paid-for items, but so long as the total is $0.00 you will not be asked for credit card etc details.

AES47 is also published by the IEC as IEC 62365.

Benefits of this technology for carrying live digital media include:

For more details, read our reviews of:



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